City of Colorado Springs
Cheat Sheet - Storm
Drainage Criteria Manual V1: Chapter 9
The major storm hydraulic grade line elevation shall be at least 1 foot below the final grade along the storm sewer system, measured from the lowest gutter flowline elevation at inlets.
Drainage Criteria Manual V1: Chapter 9
The minimum allowable longitudinal slope shall be 0.003 ft/ft (0.30 percent) for pipes 36 inches in diameter and greater. The minimum allowable longitudinal slope shall be 0.005 ft/ft (0.50 percent) for pipes 30 inches in diameter and smaller.
Drainage Criteria Manual V1: Chapter 9
A minimum velocity of 3 ft/sec is required when the storm sewer conveys runoff from flow equal to the minor design storm flow rate.
Drainage Criteria Manual V1: Chapter 9
In consideration of the above factors, the maximum velocity in all storm sewers shall be limited to 18 feet per second (ft/sec) for all design flows.
Cheat Sheet - Curb and Gutter