Mile High Flood Distrcit
- Software
Dention Design - MHFD
- Download the latest version of the Detention Design Excel sheet from the Software button which can be found from the Resource dropdown. Avoid using Excel files from previous projects, as they may be outdated.

2. Fill Out the Watershed Information:
- Select your BMP type. Extended Detention Basin is the most popular option.
- Determine your watershed area.
- Enter your Watershed Length to Centroid. This is the the distance from the outlet of a watershed to the point on the watershed length nearest to the watershed’s centroid. It is common to use half the watershed length for this value.
- Watershed slope = (Start Elevation – End Elevation) / Watershed Length
- Soils groups from NRCS.
- Target WQCV Drain Time which is usually 40 hours.